Shani Jayanti 2023: Shani Jayanti is considered to be one of the most auspicious day day in Hindu religion. This day is dedicated to Lord Shani, which represents the planet Saturn. Lord Shani is the deity of Karma and Justice. Shani Jayanti is also known as Shani Amavasya. In the year 2023, Shani Jayanti is being observed today, on May 19, 2023.
Shani Jayanti 2023: Significance
As As per Hindu Scriptures, Lord Shani is the son of Lord Surya and mother Chaya. In Vedic Astrology, Lord Surya and Shani are considered to be enemies of each other. Lord Shani was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva. He strictly penanced and worshiped Lord Shiva to get the desired wish fulfillments. Saturday is dedicated to Lord Shani dev. People offer prayers and seek blessings from Lord Shani to reduce the ill effects of planet Saturn.
People, who are under Saadhe Saati, Mahadasha and Dhaiya, must observe fast on this day and offer paryers to Lord Shani on every Saturday. Here, we have already mentioned some do’s and don’ts which people can follow :-
Shani Jayanti 2023: Do’s
1. Take a holy bathe in Ganga river.
2.You can observe fast to and seek blessings from Lord Shani.
3. Chant Hanuman Chalisa atleast 7 or 11 times to reduce the malefic effects of Lord Shani.
4. Light mustard oil diya under Peepal tree to please Lord Shani de
5. Doing Charity and donation is considered rewarding.
6. Donate Black sesame seeds and black Urad on this day.
7. People can do Chaya daan (take a mustard oil in a bowl and look at your own shadow in that) and then give it to poor or needy people.
8. Maintain celbacy on this propitious day and break your fast with sativk food.
Shani Jayanti 2023: Don’ts
1. Do not insult and hurt anyone you know.
2. Do not behave badly with your subordinates, workers and house helps.
3. Eating meat and drinking alcohol should be avoided if you want to seek blessings of Lord Shani dev.
4. ever use abusive language.
5. Do not sit idle and always work for your future and do Karma.
1. Om Sham Shanishcharaye Namah..!!
2. Neelanjana Samabhasam Ravi Putram Yamagrajam,
Chaya Martand Shambhutam Tam Namami Shanaishcharam..!!